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Welcome to Interactive Metaverse Shows - Our Mars Theater Opens Today

Exploring interactive and immersive audio-visual content inside the metaverse.

May 23, 2024


Pleased to announce the debut opening of our brand new Mars Theater destination inside our Everdome City Headquarters, as Everdome continues to develop new areas and features of our digital Martian city.

The doors are open and the shows have begun, so come on in and take your seats to get your first looks at an interactive future of digital storytelling, metaverse live events and much more.

In a significant increase from the capacity of our pop-up metaverse spaces, our new Theater has seating for almost 100 audience members concurrently, with some extra standing room only spots in case you miss your chance for a seat.

This metaverse Mars Theater space features a large screen for improved immersion, along with a stage where presenters will later introduce the content and interact with the audience across live Q&A sessions.

You can see the rolling content schedule at the entrance to the Theater doors, or check out the initial programme below.

horizontal schedule.png

A key element of metaverse events is interaction, so inside our Mars Theater, all audience members can sit, walk around or interact with others. However, as it is an event space, there are a few key differences from interactions inside our HQ and pop-up creator spaces.

Some elements of movement are restricted during screening, such as jumping around and gestures, while we also expand a new feature we have been quietly testing inside our wider HQ environment.

Voice chat will remain enabled, however much as in a real life cinematic or theater environment, you should not shout across the room. Therefore we are currently working on a new feature - where, inside Everdome’s theater during shows, your voice chat will only be audible to your closest neighbors as you whisper your thoughts and comments.

This feature, called proximity voice chat or attenuation - is being tested, but for now, keep your voices down during the screening. More on this feature soon.

Joining is simple, just take the following steps:


Today’s release is just the alpha drop of this new destination as we live test improved interactive areas with our pioneering early metaverse adopters and explorers.

There will be new and exclusive content over the coming weeks, with partner content and events in preparation as we move from alpha live testing version of our interactive audio-visual event space - to beta and final ‘’gold’’ versions.

We are delighted to welcome you into our new Mars Theater. Take your seats, enjoy the show and join us as we explore the potential of the metaverse in Everdome City.


metaverse, web3, development, film, shows, AMA, crypto, community, creators