News and Articles

The Metaverse Landscape

We start a new short series on the metaverse landscape, seeking to explain where we see Everdome fitting into the use cases of this nascent future digital environment. Some have defined the metaverse as simply being a shared space supporting VR gaming or virtual worlds, explained as a 3D internet, but at Everdome we see the landscape as more complex.

Aug 4, 2023

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We start a new short series on the metaverse landscape, seeking to explain where we see Everdome fitting into the use cases of this nascent future digital environment.

Some have defined the metaverse as simply being a shared space supporting VR gaming or virtual worlds, explained as a 3D internet, but at Everdome we see the landscape as more complex.

To help explain Everdome’s position in this new metaverse landscape, we have broken down the future use cases of metaverse technology into four key groups as shown in the image below.

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We will explain our view of each part of this metaverse landscape, and conclude with showing Everdome’s place within this landscape, starting on Monday with an explanation of the industrial metaverse environment and use-cases.

With these articles, we are not looking at the technology behind the metaverse, or its future scope for interoperability, but exploring real use cases of metaverse technologies already starting to be put into action.

We see the emergence of four major applications, each with their own focus and characteristics. The currently most well known and popular application focuses on consumers, gaming and social experiences - the Consumer Metaverse. Another application provides benefits and solves real life problems for enterprises, including companies or governmental organizations - the Enterprise Metaverse.

The Industrial Metaverse aims to provide new levels of optimization and design for industrial processes, while we feel that the future potential of the metaverse to transform the face of learning and development deserves its own mention - the Educational Metaverse.

These four groups of Industrial, Enterprise, Educational and Consumer metaverse use cases overlap. For example, the Educational Metaverse will not only be used for schools and direct teaching, but also in research and design, corporate training and vocational learning.

While currently these use cases are mostly using elements of VR or AR rather than being part of a fully fledged metaverse ecosystem, they serve to demonstrate the beginnings of a future interconnected, interactive and transformative digital experience.

At Everdome, we believe that this future is fast approaching, so we build our experience and platform to sit directly at the convergence of Educational, Enterprise and Consumer metaverse use cases.

Stay tuned for our full series next week, where we explain a little more about each area, and define Everdome’s place inside this growing web3 landscape of immersive experience.


metaverse, web3, development, NFT, ecosystem, industrial, consumer, education, enterprise