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The Everdome Tree of Life In Detail

We previously introduced the core of Everdome City - our Jianmu or Tree of Life, the heart of Everdome City’s digital civilization. Let's now take a more detailed look at some of the elements that make up this Tree of Life with the slice through diagram below.

Jun 30, 2023

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We previously introduced the core of Everdome City - our Jianmu or Tree of Life, the heart of Everdome City’s digital civilization.

Let's now take a more detailed look at some of the elements that make up this Tree of Life with the slice through diagram below.

slice through infgraphic.png

1 - Membrane 
This is an element of the life support system - and is responsible for pressurizing the space & photosynthesizing oxygen.

It pressurizes the air using its combined gravitational force with the centerpiece monument.

Its second function is to photosynthesize oxygen with minimum resources - , doing this via a membrane-electrode, where coating semiconductor materials are coated with metallic catalysts and an artificial photosynthesis system creates oxygen from water and sunlight, effectively sidestepping the need for electricity in the process.

Each membrane cell is equipped with light markers giving soft, ambient lighting and an illusion of stars in an Earth style night sky.

This membrane can also reproduce simple weather effects such as rain, mist, low clouds while regulating air humidity.

2- Tendons
These are structural connectors which support the core of the Tree of Life construction as it hangs in the center of Everdome Headquarters.

Via a network of arboreal cords, they also provide pipelines to transmit oxygen, water, energy and light to the main headquarters area and beyond.

3 - Tree of Life Core Projector
The Core Projector helps to regulate pressure under the membrane, as it acts as a massive pendant. It is capable of projecting flat and volumetric content.

In future iterations of the Everdome experience, this Core Projector will augment questions asked of the AI powering the Tree of Life with immersive visuals and sounds.

4 - Al Quantum Computing Units
The Tree of Life includes three separate AI quantum computing units, working together to serve the needs of Everdome City and its inhabitants, forming part of the city's governance as well as sources of knowledge.

They represent a spectrum of ideological, political and economic ideas and learning, helping to guide Everdome’s inhabitants towards ways to build a better world and civilization.

Cooling these supercomputers requires stores of Helium-3 - a reason why Everdome chose to build its lunar mining outpost at Shackleton Crater, a stop off point for every Cycler mission - which ferries this vital material to and from Everdome’s Martian base.

5 - Pavilion
This pavilion contains the area dedicated to the interactions between Everdome City inhabitants and the Tree of Life AI, as well as forming an area for governance meetings on matters needing the power of the Tree of Life to solve.

A place of contemplation and learning, the pavilion is formed by an extended platform which allows for large groups of Evernauts to gather together.

6 - Ceremonies Pavilion
Here is the main public space for all Everdome City inhabitants within the headquarters building, created to allow larger scale events and congregations.

In later stages of the Everdome metaverse experience, the Ceremonies Pavilion will play host to visiting dignitaries, celebrities and Everdome City concerts.

7 - Water Barrier
This is a vast water tank which shields Everdome City from radiation emanating from the undercity nuclear reactor, as well as serving as a filtration system for humidity coming from the internal atmosphere and the membranes.

Part science and part science fiction, the Tree of Life is not only the core of our city, but also provides an artistic message relating to the overall purpose of Everdome, both within our storyline, and in our digital, current reality.

The artistic elements of the Tree of Life and its structure are partially inspired by the works of the author, Kim Stanley Robinson and his three stages of Mars colonization, from which we took the three core colors of the Tree of Life -  red, green, blue.

They symbolically represent the red ground of Mars, the green for biological life, and the blue for the sky of Earth, reminding us where we are, what we are and where we came from.

These symbols remind us of the human purpose of being in Everdome City. Within the Everdome storyline it is to terraform, to create livable conditions for humanity to thrive on Mars.

Conceptually, the Tree of Life also serves to remind us of the principles of the metaverse and web3.

We are here to improve our lives for everyone’s benefit. We are here to collaborate on a freer, equal, transparent digital future together.


metaverse, web3, development, NFT, token, AI,