News and Articles

The Everdome Launcher - Gateway to Everdome's Metaverse

Explaining the Everdome Launcher and our environment update process.

Jun 26, 2024


You have heard us talk about our ‘’Launcher’’ - but what is this?

Essentially the Everdome Launcher enables the user to not only personalize their experience, choosing avatars and screen names, but also allows them to stay up to date as we to constantly build, iterate and improve our metaverse destination, cooking and deploying builds of our projects to testing platforms for initial debugging before a wider release to our alpha community users.

When we add a feature, or simply upgrade the existing experience through debugging, hot-fixes or smaller running improvements, we first release the new build of our metaverse destination inside our development environment.

Once we are satisfied enough that the changes work, we then release the new build to our production environment. And this is when you are prompted to re-download the launcher in order to access the latest changes in this new release.

This process allows us to constantly update Everdome's digital world on the fly - so rather than waiting for larger changes, we can make constant, smaller improvements in relation to user feedback.

As part of these recurring updates, we've launched a new build further improving our environment. The sound now becomes more directional - meaning any visitor to our metaverse city HQ won't hear the sound of the screen if they go behind it.

The feature is especially noticeable around those two screens near our Mars Theater - you can check it out yourselves by downloading the new build here. If you already have the launcher, simply open it up, and you will be prompted to download the new version of the client.

Note that no wallet is needed for you to access Everdome's environment. All you need to start browsing our metaverse experiences is an updated launcher.

Our ethos is to build in the open using our community which not only contributes to project transparency, but also to help us iterate our alpha builds - and the benefit for us as a project is that we can get immediate, real time feedback on what works well, or what needs further improvements.

Environment downloads, usage and engagement from our pioneering community of early metaverse adopters helps us go faster. So jump in, invite friends and start road testing our new medium for digital interaction and engagement.


metaverse, web3, development, crypto, community, environment