News and Articles

Mars Theater - Interactive Multimedia

Concluding our short series on some of the special areas to be found in our metaverse HQ with a look into the future of our Mars Theater.

Jan 3, 2025

Mars Theater.png

Back in May last year we opened the doors to our Mars Theater, a metaverse spot where visitors can take in a virtual show, with room for around 100 seated users.

This area currently features avatar interactivity of a different kind, with a special whisper function enabling you to comment to your nearest neighbours without disturbing the show for the rest of the audience.

We debuted multiple different showings in the metaverse across 2024, including a re-run of our live soundtrack performance at the Krakow Film Music Festival, special AI powered soundtrack videos created by our team, as well as exclusive events featuring musical artists Szatt, Adrian T. Bell and the psychedelic re-imagining of the silent classic Nosferatu by the American collective, Constellations vibrations.

But what's next for Mars Theater?

You can expect plenty more visual action in 2025, with new partnerships providing exclusive content that will take Everdome across the world to brand new global audiences.

Further engagement features will be in the mix, complimenting the current avatar interaction to allow all of the audience to bring themselves right into the action and make their opinion on the shows heard.

Our Mars Theater will also complement some of our newer locations which will enjoy a full launch early in 2025, as it will be joined by a Conference Hall and Presentation Space - setting us up to provide digital events with a real difference.

If you didn't get a chance yet, you can come in and take in the show, which currently includes creation of our soundtrack, the science behind the making of Everdome, as well as our AI music clips and a re-run of our Halloween special - Nosferatu re-imagined.


metaverse, web3, development, crypto, community, creators, film