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Join us in Building Everdome

As Everdome progresses with some final touches around our next releases, we call for testers from our community to join us as Everdome builders and help us gather feedback on our experience.

Jun 29, 2023


As Everdome progresses with some final touches around our next releases, we call for testers from our community to join us as Everdome builders and help us gather feedback on our experience.

Everdome follows an agile development process, which means that we look to release our product in stages, with a constant cycle of feedback, iteration and improvement.

We therefore look for testers from within our NFT holder community who will help us gather feedback on final pre-release versions, as well as helping us refine our product once it is live in our metaverse environment.

Although we send each part of our product through rigorous internal and external tests prior to release, feedback and testing from our community is vital - as you form the end consumer and user of our metaverse adventure.

If you would like to be considered for becoming part of our testing team, please reach out to one of our moderation team on our Discord server or Telegram channel here.

We may not be able to use every person that requests to join as a tester, as we have specific needs involving technology, geographical location and operating systems used by the tester.

However, all applications will be greatly appreciated as we look to create the very best experience within the optimum time windows.


metaverse, web3, development, NFT, token, testing, community, building