As we continue our exciting journey towards metaverse adoption, we are delighted to invite Genesis Tier-2 NFT holders to also pioneer the first stages of our interplanetary adventure by accessing Everdome`s alpha Spaceport experience.
Spaceport access is simple:
⓵ Hold Everdome's Tier-2 Genesis NFT in your MetaMask wallet
⓶ Login to your MetaMask wallet
⓷ Download and experience Everdome at the link below
With this invitation, Everdome immediately increases Spaceport capacity twenty times over. This is a huge milestone heralding the launch of our upcoming journey to Mars.
Tier-2 holders taking their first steps into the Everdome metaverse experience represents a substantial scaling of our virtual world. It is the beginning of Everdome transforming our virtual experience, opening the door to new understandings of human interactions.
However, we emphasize this is an alpha version. We create staged launches as part of our development and quality assurance process to gather recommendations from you as valued members of our collaborative community.
Therefore, we welcome any and all feedback, which we need you to provide via the ‘’give us feedback’’button beneath the download button.
You can also provide your thoughts on this Spaceport experience via our dedicated Genesis NFTs chat on our discord channel. (must login with your wallet).
We hope you enjoy the alpha version of Spaceport whilst we prepare the next phase of our journey: Our alpha release of Phoenix 1 Rocket Launch from Hatta, UAE + space flight.