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First Community AMA with New Everdome CEO

We were delighted to welcome so many of our community to yesterdays first AMA session with Everdome’s new CEO, Jeremy Lopez. Samir Mourani, our Marketing and Growth Manager, co-hosted this AMA along with Jeremy, delivering the community's questions and prompting Jeremy to reveal some of his thoughts on AI, Web3 and the metaverse in general as well as specific Everdome related questions

Apr 19, 2023


We were delighted to welcome so many of our community to yesterdays first AMA session with Everdome’s new CEO, Jeremy Lopez.

Samir Mourani, our Marketing and Growth Manager, co-hosted this AMA along with Jeremy,  delivering the community's questions and prompting Jeremy to reveal some of his thoughts on AI, Web3 and the metaverse in general as well as specific Everdome related questions.

Talking for just over an hour, Jeremy discussed and explained some of the hottest topics raised by our community members, including information on:

  • The departure of Rob Gryn
  • Everdome’s financials 
  • Value of F1 as a partnership
  • Token value and future burns
  • Jeremy’s vision for the near future of Everdome & focus on delivering product

As well as these key questions and topics for the community, Jeremy went on to talk on the vision , direction and focus for our immersive metaverse destination, stating: 

“Right now, our major focus is on product. We need to make sure that we deliver proofs of concept, not just in our experience but also with the in-world economy & a greater public launch.”

We want to thank all of you who took the time out from your schedule to listen to Jeremy and Samir discuss these topics, as well as those who provided so many inspiring questions.

We had hundreds of questions to choose from, so we split the AMA into some key sections where many questions could be answered at once. We apologize to those whose questions we were unable to answer due to time constraints.

Hosted inside our Discord, this AMA with the Everdome CEO was just the start of a planned series of regular communications between our core team and community.

We will be providing future AMAs not only with our CEO, but also from other key team members as we keep our focus in community involvement.

A full recording is available on our YouTube channel, for those of you who could not join live to get the full story, or even for those who want to take a second listen.

The successful future of Everdome and the success of our community are bound together. We are honored to collaborate on our project with such a dedicated, focused and engaged community.


metaverse, web3, development, NFT, AMA, Project, CEO