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Everdome SPACES - Alpha Release Date Announced

Excited to announce that Everdome’s first MaaS product is about to land - SPACES to drop on the 26th October, creating a way for more people to jump into the metaverse today.

Oct 19, 2023

v2 spaces alpha launch 26 10.png

Excited to announce that Everdome’s first MaaS product is about to land, with Everdome SPACES to drop on the 26th October, creating a way for more people to jump into the metaverse today.

If the metaverse is to become widely adopted and enter daily, mass market usage, it has to become easier to use. So the Everdome team ideated and built a way for users of all types to spin out immediate metaverse pop-up spots.

The alpha drop of SPACES is first accessible exclusively for our Landholders - but will ultimately provide Metaverse-as-a-Service to speed metaverse engagement and adoption beyond a web3 audience.

Use the Everdome platform to create your personal metaverse space, add your images and showcase your personality or brand to your invited audience. Features in the alpha release include:

  • Voice & text Chat
  • Selection of Avatars
  • Customize your images & content
  • Choose start dates & event duration
  • Invite your audience with a simple link

This initial alpha release focuses on testing functionality and gauging user responses, so that we can refine the product for a wider launch to a broad audience of both business and individual metaverse creators.

Dropping 26th October - in the metaverse.

Everdome will merge SPACES directly into our Mars experience - it will become an integral part of our metaverse platform - placed inside Everdome City HQ and acting as an easy jumping in point to the metaverse.

Stay tuned for more between now and launch day on use cases, an overview of the future benefits for the Everdome economy and direct utilities for our entire community.


metaverse, web3, development, blockchain, alpha, community