The beginning of our Metaverse journey starts in one of Everdome’s international spaceports, located in the mountainous Hatta region of the near-future United Arab Emirates.
It’s just one of hundreds of spaceports located in various locations around the world, some belonging to international bodies, others to governments and corporations.
Passengers arrive at the Everdome Spaceport either by autonomous, multi-purpose vehicles, or via the Everdome Hyper-loop train system. And not just passengers; from the Launch Viewing Area, spectators can watch Everdome's Spaceship ( begin its flight to Mars!
The journey to Mars will involve several vehicles, each designed to make every stage of the journey as safe, comfortable, and rewarding as possible. Transporting passengers out from Earth’s gravitational clutches is certainly one of the more dramatic stages of the journey.
In the Everdome Spaceport itself, visitors will explore the first attractions in the Everdome Metaverse:
✅ Space Pioneers Hall
✅ Rocket Silos,
✅ Space-inspired NFT art galleries,
✅ Initial space-related entertainment
All together visitors will learn about their up-coming journey, and mingle with other passengers, making their last-minute preparations for their trip to Mars.
Other important elements of the Everdome Spaceport include the ship’s massive vertical assembly building, the mission control center, perched on top of a mountain peak, and the various infrastructural complexes that have come to surround both mountain and lake.
Up next in our 4 part product and world building series:
⓵ Everdome's cycler,
⓶ First-ever view of Everdome City
⓷ Everdome world-building white paper. 🌎
One of the most important parts of any game is creating the story, and our team have put in thousands of hours to deliver this for Everdome, and all its users.