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Everdome Quarter Three Summary

Market conditions have allowed the Everdome team to place 100% focus on product development, growing the project in a sustainable and product-led direction. Q3 brought great development progress, as we made leaps and bounds towards our vision of delivering an immersive, hyper-realistic metaverse experience.

Oct 4, 2022

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Market conditions have allowed the Everdome team to place 100% focus on product development, growing the project in a sustainable and product-led direction.

Q3 brought great development progress, as we made leaps and bounds towards our vision of delivering an immersive, hyper-realistic metaverse experience.

We continue to expand our team in preparation for the transition from an alpha offering to a live experience. This means you can expect to see new faces around content, marketing, storytelling, game development, and in every detail of the product. It also means you can expect to see more in Q4 about the features of Everdome City. 

Some of the highlights from our Q3 journey of discovery are:

✅ Secured $10 Million growth investment
✅ 775M TenSet partner burn for $DOME
✅ Team growth across all functions
✅ Opened spaceport for Tier-1 Genesis holders
✅ Concept arts release
✅ Completed entire land auction
✅ Completed land auction burn for 1,372,000,000 $DOME
✅ Ongoing F1 presence race by race
✅ Dubai Metaverse Assembly presentation
✅ Soundscaping underway 

At Everdome we set the bar high for ourselves regarding delivery, which means occasionally we will push some items. When we do push roadmap items, it’s usually due to the high levels of detail and quality we maintain before releases. 

Furthermore, we need to remain fluid enough to re-prioritize items on our roadmap in order to roll with market changes or technology developments to meet the overall mission and vision of Everdome. 

You can soon expect to see the following:

✅ Astro NFT countdown & launch
✅ Mission portal site launch
✅ Tier-2 spaceport access

There are also a couple of milestones that we purposefully delayed. Firstly, we took the decision to delay any CEX listings at all due to the current market conditions. Secondly, we delayed the release of Stage 2 Staking for similar market related reasons.

We decided that the best way to build for our future vision and to look after the interests of all our stakeholders is to put all our focus into building the product whilst the cryptocurrency market experiences such volatility. 

As we approach 2023 we will be announcing our future roadmap, with a fresh approach to the way we explain and communicate our upcoming activities and developments. We view our community and stakeholders as collaborators in our vision, and want to involve and explain to all any necessary alterations, changes or modifications to our schedule.

This is necessary because of the nature of our journey. Together we are pioneering a new frontier. This means the journey is exciting, filled with huge potential rewards, but also with levels of uncertainty. We therefore need to be flexible to deliver on the vision that we all want to see come to fruition.

Everdome enters the 4th quarter with strong financial backing, a bigger and more experienced team that has taken some giant strides behind the scenes in project development, and building next year’s roadmap to match & meet our vision. 

🙏 Thank you for your continued trust and support. Looking forward to celebrating our next successes with you.


NFT, crypto, metaverse, blockchain, community, governance