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Everdome NFT Holders Survey Results

Everdome has just concluded a survey of our NFT holders in order to better understand their needs, wishes and dreams for the future use of both our experience and of their land spots in Everdome City, as construction of our digital civilization gathers momentum ahead of first boots on Mars later this year.

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Everdome has just concluded a survey of our NFT holders in order to better understand their needs, wishes and dreams for the future use of both our experience and of their land spots in Everdome City, as construction of our digital civilization gathers momentum ahead of first boots on Mars later this year.

As a community focused project and one that works to build a brand new digital civilization, feedback is essential to us to help us better understand our dedicated supporters.

Therefore we want to thank those of you who got involved with this survey, as hundreds took the time to give our team some deeper insights into the way they plan to use Everdome’s experience.

We first asked our community why they initially bought land spots inside Everdome City, and gathered the following results.

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A significant majority of NFT holders surveyed also all agreed that:

  • It is important for them to compete in the Everdome metaverse experience.
  • They would like to take part in events in the Everdome metaverse experience.
  • NFT Holders want to be able to shop for real world items inside Everdome.
  • They want to meet people in the Everdome metaverse experience.
  • It's important for them to have ways to make money inside the Everdome metaverse experience.
  • NFT holders want to have the possibility to build something in the Everdome metaverse experience.

We also got some excellent insight into the types of uses our landholding community have in mind for the future.

There were hundreds of creative ideas coming from you all, including digital art galleries, NFT marketplaces, hubs for training of all different kinds, from language schools to cybersecurity training centers, digital branding agencies, game collaboration sports, an animal charity center and much more.

Discovering all these ideas and concepts was truly inspiring for our team, and we were delighted to understand more about our community’s plans for the future.

For those of you who could not take part, or those who do not hold land in Everdome, your chance will come. There are plenty more surveys, feedback requests & ways for you to have your voice heard coming soon.

As always, we thank you for your amazing support. Together we build something world changing.


metaverse, web3, development, NFT, survey, community