Happy to announce that $DOME trading is now live on Bitget Exchange, listed in the Innovation Zone and Metaverse Zone.
The $DOME/ $UDST pair can be found here.
Bitget is a top ten exchange, with a five year history and a significant worldwide user base of 20 million plus- providing a wide range of crypto-related services, encompassing crypto-to-crypto trading, spot trading, futures trading, margin trading, copy trading & more.
As the world's largest copy trading platform, Bitget supports 550+ tokens and enjoys 24 hour trading volumes of 10 billion+ USDT. You can explore more about the features and benefits of Bitget here.
Jump in & get involved with a reward pool of 48,000,000 $DOME.
This new listing helps Everdome kick off 2024, just the start of a year promising growth, development and plenty of exciting news.