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Building in the Metaverse Part Two - A Metaverse Framework

Continuing with our Everdome uncovered series, here we dip into Everdome’s take on the framework of the metaverse, and look to establish our place inside this framework. As we stated before - The metaverse is not “a” metaverse. It is better viewed as a series of interlinked worlds and the next iteration of a more immersive and equitable internet. In the most basic Web2 terms - Think of Everdome as a website, albeit one providing a much greater experiential service, and the metaverse as the internet. Everdome will be a destination inside this larger metaverse environment. But the question remains, How best to understand the metaverse framework as a whole?

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Continuing with our Everdome uncovered series, here we dip into Everdome’s take on the framework of the metaverse, and look to establish our place inside this framework.

As we stated before -  The metaverse is not “a” metaverse. It is better viewed as a series of interlinked worlds and the next iteration of a more immersive and equitable internet.

In the most basic Web2 terms - Think of Everdome's space and Mars exploration experience as representing a website, albeit one providing a much greater experiential service and the metaverse as representing the internet.

The metaverse’s experience should be one where the power and responsibility of ownership has been upended, giving it back to the decentralized individuals vs the centralized platforms. 

But the question remains, How best to understand the metaverse framework as a whole?

Articles have suggested that there are seven layers to the metaverse, which is a good jumping off point to understand the layers of technology and constructions necessary to create a metaverse with the power to fulfill its potential.

These layers have been expressed as below:


A brief explanation of the layers as they are understood in this explanation is as follows:

Experience: Basic constraints of reality can be altered to allow for totally new adventures - a hyper-realistic journey to Mars for example.

Virtual events can allow personalized experiences for everyone. For example, imagine a concert where everyone can experience the front row seats.

Discovery: Key aspects of discovery in the metaverse include community-driven content, real-time presence features & a decentralized identity ecosystem.

Creator Economy: Contains the technology used by creators to craft immersive experiences. This is being supercharged by a dramatic rise in the number of creators and the availability of tools, templates, and marketplaces, which have made development more creatively centered.

Spatial Computing: Breaks down barriers between the physical and virtual worlds, allowing for hybrid real/virtual computation. Spatial computing software include 3D engines, mapping and object recognition, voice and gesture recognition, data integration, and next-generation user interfaces.

Decentralization: The ideal metaverse is decentralized, with interoperable systems, built within competitive markets.

Human Interface: Devices are becoming more integrated with our bodies, while VR hardware is gradually becoming more mainstream and accessible. Smartphones are evolving beyond their original purpose and are now highly portable, always-connected, and powerful computers.

Infrastructure: Includes the technology that enables our devices, connects them to the network, and delivers content.

However, while this is a useful starter to define the layers involved in the metaverse, Everdome defines the future structure of the metaverse differently. We see the basic layers as similar, but as forming into two distinct but co-dependent groups.


We firstly have a group of Architecture and User Enabling technologies. These are the technical parts or layers that will allow the best iteration of the metaverse as a total landscape to be developed, and they include:

  • Digital Infrastructure
  • Blockchain Infrastructure
  • Human Interfaces

We then have our Experience Components. These are the areas which will combine to create the most immersive, engaging and discoverable individual metaverse experiences, and it is in this area where Everdome places its focus. They include:

  • Spatial Computing
  • Discovery
  • Experience
  • Creator economy

We are not creating either human interfaces or the underlying fabric of a many world metaverse, but focusing on the details of our experience. We are not waiting for initial metaverse layers or foundations to be built, but pressing ahead to ensure the Everdome metaverse experience is finished at exactly the right moment.

Once complete, our platform will then seamlessly integrate with the larger fabric of the metaverse infrastructure.

It is in the product group where Everdome has started development. We are using elements of spatial computing, and Unreal Engine 5 in building an experience as a platform that has Experience, Discovery and Creator Economy facets as interwoven elements of a complete ecosystem.

Providing a home for imaginative creativity is fundamental to our vision, and our metaverse destination is being constructed to allow creators to build their own stories, adventures, experiences and businesses inside our hyper-realistic Martian environment we create as a foundation.

Within our environment, we will build digital signposts across our world to the experiences that can be found, as well as creating pioneering ways for users to share their creations, their stories and adventures across both the metaverse as well as the wider world.

In our next article in our Everdome Uncovered series, we will look more closely at some of the creative possibilities being introduced by metaverse concepts.


metaverse, web3, development, NFT, architecture